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    3 weeks, 3 days ago

    I’ve been thinking a lot about consumption. Especially in the West, it feels like all we do is consume. Of course, we need to in order to live.

    But I’m think about over-consumption, the greedy inhaling of it all. We consume adverts and hollow social media posts. We consume the content of others; films, YouTube, books.

    What about the content we create? Are we aiding people in their consumption when we post to Instagram?

    Instead of consuming the output of others, what if we created output, just for ourselves? When did you last draw for the pure joy of it, or took a photograph without sharing it?

    Just thoughts that I’m now adding to the ether to be consumed 💚

About Me


I have always considered myself a spiritual person.


My love of nature and belief in energy led me to learn about Paganism, Wicca, and Buddhist traditions.

I fell in love with meditation, breathwork and yoga over a year ago and practice daily.

I am always looking to learn more and deepen my spirituality. I identify with Maslow and feel we are all on a path to self-actualization (alternativley, enlightenment if you will).


I believe that knowledge of spiritual practices should not be held behind a pay wall, but given freely. I hope to share my knowledge with you all 🥰



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